Hoog olieverbruik en/of een rokende uitlaat?
Dan kan het volgende een oplossing zijn.
Crank case ventilation/ PCV - oil
Universele Aluminium Olie opvangpot met olie filter.
Capaciteit: 300 ML (Zwart)
Een olie-opvangbak wordt gebruikt in
turbo-toepassingen, of high-performance racing-toepassingen waarbij overmatige
blow-by (lekkage langs de zuigerveren) van lucht en brandstofdampen optreedt.
Dit zorgt voor een positieve druk in het carter. Tijdens de werking van de
motor passeren blow-by gassen, evenals olienevel van de draaiende onderdelen
van de motor, de PCV-klep en worden teruggevoerd naar de inlaat zodat de motor
kan afbranden. Een deel van de olienevel en andere bijproducten bezinken echter
langs de motorinlaat en vormen na verloop van tijd een smurrie. De
olievangstank verzamelt dergelijke olienevel en condenseert de
brandstofdampen, terwijl schonere gassen terug in de inlaat kunnen worden
2. Alle oliedampen die door uw turbo-motor worden verdreven voordat deze de prestaties van uw auto kunnen schaden, houden de motor schoon, zelfs onder zware rijomstandigheden.
3. De vangst kan het vuil en de olie binnenin uw motor weghouden van uw inlaatsysteem verhoogt het paardenvermogen en verlengt de levensduur van uw motor.
4. Het heeft luchtfilter.
5. Capaciteit: 300ML
2. Alle oliedampen die door uw turbo-motor worden verdreven voordat deze de prestaties van uw auto kunnen schaden, houden de motor schoon, zelfs onder zware rijomstandigheden.
3. De vangst kan het vuil en de olie binnenin uw motor weghouden van uw inlaatsysteem verhoogt het paardenvermogen en verlengt de levensduur van uw motor.
4. Het heeft luchtfilter.
5. Capaciteit: 300ML

Je begint met de pcv slang los te maken, dan
filters ertussen plaatsen (zie foto's hierboven) De filter olieopvangpotten hebben 1 in en 1 uitgang en in het filter zit
een zeefje of filter dus de lucht kan er door stromen en de olie blijft achter
in het potje.
Dit is aan beide kanten gedaan omdat de FX45 er twee
pcv op heeft zitten en de slangen wel allemaal weer met elkaar verbonden
zo zuigt de inlaat wel de lucht uit het carter maar de olie blijft nu
achter in het filter. Voor de FX35 is dus 1 filter olieopvangpot nodig die rechts vooraan gemonteerd kan worden.
Pcv valve
PCV valve is a control device which sends partially burned gases that come from
the engine's crankcase to the combustion chamber. Its name, PCV means Positive
Crankcase Ventilation and is one of the oldest and most used emission control
devices. Although its name might sound very complicated, it is a very simple
device and its function can be easily understood.
Due to its tasks, the PCV valve is not only very useful but also implies important benefits. It completely eliminates crankcase emissions efficiently, avoiding that it becomes an air pollution factor. Besides, it also keeps the system free of moisture due to the constant air circulation that it implies.
Besides, the PCV valve also helps keeping the oil and the engine in proper shape extending their life as well. Also, its mechanism is very important for preventing the appearance of engine corrosion as well as it helps improving fuel economy. This way, the PCV valve is very important for different aspects and helps car owners maintaining their car’s engines in shape as well as providing them with a good administration of the fuel economy
The PCV valve routes crankcase partially burned gases back to the engine. Once these gases go back to the engine, they are re-burned, allowing this way a better use and administration of fuel. The cylinders are an important part in the process since they are who re-burn the gases rerouted from the PVC valve and have a central role in it.
Crankcase emissions can be a great source of air pollution, and therefore the PCV valve is very useful and important not only for the car functioning but also for the environment and health as well. Besides, this valve requires little maintenance and must be replaced at about 40.000 miles. This way, the PCV valve is an easy to maintain piece which implies an important amount of benefits that affect not only the car and its owner but also those who surround him and the environment in general due to the way in which it prevents gases from becoming air pollution factors.
Due to its tasks, the PCV valve is not only very useful but also implies important benefits. It completely eliminates crankcase emissions efficiently, avoiding that it becomes an air pollution factor. Besides, it also keeps the system free of moisture due to the constant air circulation that it implies.
Besides, the PCV valve also helps keeping the oil and the engine in proper shape extending their life as well. Also, its mechanism is very important for preventing the appearance of engine corrosion as well as it helps improving fuel economy. This way, the PCV valve is very important for different aspects and helps car owners maintaining their car’s engines in shape as well as providing them with a good administration of the fuel economy
The PCV valve routes crankcase partially burned gases back to the engine. Once these gases go back to the engine, they are re-burned, allowing this way a better use and administration of fuel. The cylinders are an important part in the process since they are who re-burn the gases rerouted from the PVC valve and have a central role in it.
Crankcase emissions can be a great source of air pollution, and therefore the PCV valve is very useful and important not only for the car functioning but also for the environment and health as well. Besides, this valve requires little maintenance and must be replaced at about 40.000 miles. This way, the PCV valve is an easy to maintain piece which implies an important amount of benefits that affect not only the car and its owner but also those who surround him and the environment in general due to the way in which it prevents gases from becoming air pollution factors.
Locate the PCV Hose (marked by the orange line - sorry for the red text and
lines - these pictures are being re-used from my Change Your Oil HowTo thread)
Loosen the clamp on the top side (furthest from the PCV Valve) and slide the
hose off. This is MUCH easier if the engine bay is warm/hot because the hose is
more flexible. Be careful not to burn yourself on anything.
4) You are now left with the PCV Valve and it's hose. I personally use Pliers (kinda hard to get it loose at first) to unscrew the PCV Valve since I don't have a socket that will fit over it. If you have the socket, cool, if not...use whatever means you can to unscrew the PCV Valve.
5) Installation is reverse of removal.
4) You are now left with the PCV Valve and it's hose. I personally use Pliers (kinda hard to get it loose at first) to unscrew the PCV Valve since I don't have a socket that will fit over it. If you have the socket, cool, if not...use whatever means you can to unscrew the PCV Valve.
5) Installation is reverse of removal.
VQ35DE engine (and the majority of other modern engines) employ what is known
as positive crankcase pressure. This comes from the fact that the combustion
process inside your cylinders leaks a little. The piston rings have a gap in
them and blow-by gasses push through these gaps and up into the valve/rocker
covers. The blow by gasses are comprised of everything that the gasses come
into contact with along the way. Air/fuel mixture, exhaust gasses, oil and a
small percentage of coolant as well. Oil is usually the highest contributor to
blow by gasses.
design vents these gasses out of the valve/rocker covers through the passenger
side PCV valve and the driver's side valve cover vent, located under the
Throttle Body. In addition, the two valve covers are connected by an
interconnect hose to make sure the pressure inside each valve cover stays
equal. See find #1 (three locations):
The two
valve/rocker cover outlets are routed back into the intake tract, so that a
vacuum is pulled and the gasses flow back into the plenum to be burned in the
cylinders. The only problem is that these gasses leave a trail of sludge behind
them. If you have ever opened up your plenum, you see the oil stains and
sometimes even small pools of oil inside the plenum. This is the definition of
where oil sludge comes from.
obviously the manufacturers don't consider this to be a threat to the long term
reliability of the car. Yes, it's a little messy over time but there is no
immediate danger to the car or any of the systems. After a lot of miles, the
intake would need to be cleaned out. Not doing so would begin to rob you of
efficiency (mpgs). So installing a catch can on a stock VQ engine is only going
to be a "nice-to-have". Not necessary, but appropriate for FX
enthusiasts who want to go the extra step for their car.
There are actually quite a few ways you can attack the install. This was one of the things that was very confusing for me because everybody seemed to have a system that was different from everybody else. I've sketched out the most common designs, and I have recommendations for which ways are best and why.
First up is what I would recommend for any NA FX of any generation. Both valve/rocker covers hoses are routed to the catch can inlets and a single vacuum sources is hooked in, allowing you to cap the other vacuum port in use with the OEM setup. I purposefully used the larger 5/8" hose attached to the intake tube for the larger diameter, instead of using the smaller diameter hose as the vacuum source. This is my number 1 recommended setup. It uses the OEM size fittings and hoses.
There are actually quite a few ways you can attack the install. This was one of the things that was very confusing for me because everybody seemed to have a system that was different from everybody else. I've sketched out the most common designs, and I have recommendations for which ways are best and why.
First up is what I would recommend for any NA FX of any generation. Both valve/rocker covers hoses are routed to the catch can inlets and a single vacuum sources is hooked in, allowing you to cap the other vacuum port in use with the OEM setup. I purposefully used the larger 5/8" hose attached to the intake tube for the larger diameter, instead of using the smaller diameter hose as the vacuum source. This is my number 1 recommended setup. It uses the OEM size fittings and hoses.